Friday, August 18, 2006

Sorry, sorry

Sometimes, we lag. Sometimes, we experience a lull. We apologize to our loyal readers when this happens. We really have no excuse.


If you want to see more updates, more quotes and more stories, if you want commentaries upon weirdos from throughout the city instead of only Osborne and West Broadway, if you want to feel the thrills that come with publication, then submit your own stories, quotes and description of weirdos in your neighborhood.

Please tell us approxomately where in the city this weirdo is from, and let us know if you want to be credited, and if so, by what name. We won't necessarily publish everything, but we will publish most things, although we reserve the right to edit your submissions for content and style.

Do it for yourself. Do it for the children. Do it so we never have to suffer the heartbreak of a lull again. (or just comment somewhere, and mention that it's intended as a submission rather than a comment)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No worries...
No guilt...
This oughta be a community project.

Here is a comment made at Grant Park theatre after a showing of The Good German... "God! How depressing! Now let's go and rent Schindler's List."