Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yappy RIP

I've been informed that Yappy the Aggressively Cheerful Woman passed away a few months ago. She made Winnipeg a more interesting place to live, and we mourn her passing.


Anonymous said...

I may be dead but I'm still around. Hey, St. Peter...GOTANYSPARECHANGE?? Maybe on the way out??

Anonymous said...

Hmm, just wondering, saw her one time argue with Pastor Vic AKA Jesus of Osborne Street.....she was mad that he wouldn't give her any change as he was a "pastor.:

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...isn't this her?


Lisa said...

No, Corner Cathy was a different panhandler -- Debbie was the one referred to as "Yappy". They both panhandled in the same area, however.