Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Let me get this straight: an apple is a bean, like a tomato, but a peanut is a plant?

Expert in Logic: ... it's like and apple and a peanut... it's like a peanut and an apple ... it's like a peanut. It's like, I say a peanut ... it's like, you say a peanut is a legume and I say no it's a plant. Well technically it is a plant, but ... I mean, you say it's a legume and I say it's a bean. Or I mean, a nut. Well technically it is a legume, but ... it's like a tomato. It's like, you say a tomato is a fruit and I say it's a vegetable. Well it is a fruit, but it tastes like a vegetable, you know? It's like, I don't care if I'm wrong as long as you understand me.

-overheard on the #60

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